Jammu, December: In a remarkable display of investigative efficiency, the Jammu Police solved a blind murder case in the Garkhal area of Akhnoor within six hours of its report. A team led by *IC SDPO Akhnoor , SHO Akhnoor and IC BPP Garkhal worked tirelessly to uncover the mystery and apprehend the accused.
2. On 10/12/2024, at around 10:00 AM, IC BPP Garkhal received information about an unidentified male dead body lying in suspicious circumstances in an agricultural field near Garkhal village, partially covered with paddy stubble. Inquest proceedings under Section 194 BNSS were immediately initiated.
3. EO along with a FSL Team and crime photographer, reached the spot to examine the crime scene.The deceased had visible head and facial injuries, indicating a possible homicide.The crime scene was preserved, and a detailed site plan was prepared.Evidence collected from the scene included *A blood-stained grape hoe (kassi) with a broken handle (the suspected murder weapon).*
4. The deceased was identified as Pappu Paswan, whose missing report had been lodged earlier at BPP Garkhal (DDR No. 14, dated 09/12/2024).
5. The deceased’s wife, Meena Devi, provided significant information under Section 195 BNSS.Meena Devi, who had been living on rent in a house owned by Balwinder Singh @Happy, revealed that Balwinder Singh had been harassing her and attempting to force an illicit relationship.
6. Acting on this lead, the suspect Balwinder Singh @Happy S/O Krishan Singh R/O Garkhal was summoned for. interrogation.During sustained questioning, Balwinder Singh confessed to the murder of Pappu Paswan.On 07/12/2024, Pappu Paswan arrived to take his wife and children back to Bishnah, which Balwinder Singh opposed, citing unpaid dues and issuing threats.On 08/12/2024, while Pappu Paswan went out to purchase tobacco, Balwinder Singh lured him to his agricultural fields.
There, he attacked him with a grape hoe (kassi),causing fatal injuries, and concealed the body under paddy stubble.
7. The investigation revealed two motives behind the crime:
*1.Forced illicit relationship of accused Balwinder with deceased wife.*
*2.Unpaid dues of rent by Meena devi.*
8. The inquest proceedings converted and an FIR (No. 223/2024) under Section 103 BNS was registered at PS Akhnoor.The main accused, *Balwinder Singh @Happy,* was arrested, and further investigation is underway.
*This rapid and coordinated investigation underscores the Jammu Police’s commitment to justice and their ability to solve complex cases with speed and precision.*